Hace ya un tiempo (casi un año), me fuí a una tienda de cuero para comprar tiras de cuero, el caso es que acabé comprando más de lo que necesitaba, y se me pasaron las ganas de hacer nada con los 5 pies cuadrados de cuero que había comprado.
Some time ago (allmost a year ago), I went to a leather shop, for buying some leather strips, the thing was, that I ended buying more than I needed, and I ended with no will of doing anything with the 5 square feets I bought.
Some time ago (allmost a year ago), I went to a leather shop, for buying some leather strips, the thing was, that I ended buying more than I needed, and I ended with no will of doing anything with the 5 square feets I bought.
Hace un par días, en una de mis múltiples visitas a una tienda de comics, de la que no voy a hacer publicidad dado que no me paga (ni me hacen descuentos los muy...), ví que vendían unos guanteletes la mar de chulos, y tetando estuve de comprarlos.
Some days ago, In one of my many visist to a comic store, of wich I'm not going to make propaganda since they don't pay me (or give me discounts...) I saw they were selling some Vambraces really cools, and I was tented to buy them.
Some days ago, In one of my many visist to a comic store, of wich I'm not going to make propaganda since they don't pay me (or give me discounts...) I saw they were selling some Vambraces really cools, and I was tented to buy them.
Putada, costaban un ojo, y sinceramente, ya gasto bastante en comics.
The shitty thing, was they were really expensive, and sincerely, I allready spent enough money on comics.
The shitty thing, was they were really expensive, and sincerely, I allready spent enough money on comics.
PERO!, o casualidad de la vida, me puse a ordenar el armario, y encontré el cuero que tenía guardado desde hacía un año.
BUT!, or cassualties of the life, I was tiding up my closet, and found the leather I stored form a year ago.
BUT!, or cassualties of the life, I was tiding up my closet, and found the leather I stored form a year ago.
Resumiendo, si no puedes comprarlo, hazlo tu mismo, mi lema desde que me empezaron a gustar las chicas... esto... volvamos al tema en cuestión.
Long story short, if you can't buy it, do it yourself, my motto since I begin to get interested on girls... emmm... lets get back to the matter.
Como tenía cuero para aburrir, en vez de unos brazales, me puse a hacer primero unas grebas. Yo soy así, en vez de empezar por lo pequeño, prefiero empezar por lo grande.
Since I got more than enough leather, instead of some vambraces, I decided to make some greaves, I'm that way, instead of starting by the small things, I prefer to start with the big ones.
Paso 1: La plantilla./Step 1: The template
Hay infinidad de páginas con plantillas para piezas de armaduras, unas cuantas de pago.
Si bien, desde aquí recomendamos usar el clásico, dámelo gratis que no tengo pelas.
There are infinity of templates for armor pieces, many charge for them.
Well, from here we recommend to use the classic, give it to me free, i'm poor.
There are infinity of templates for armor pieces, many charge for them.
Well, from here we recommend to use the classic, give it to me free, i'm poor.
Voy a poner solo 3 links interesantes./I'm only going to post 3 interesting links.
La primera es "el blindado personal", un blog de visita OBLIGATORIA, donde el maestro Axil, de forma ocurrente, amena y divertida, te dará unas clases sobre armaduras y vestimenta de recreación.
Si bien, no tiene exactamente plantillas, tiene más enlaces, pero explica muy bien paso por paso los proyectos que realiza.
First is "el blindado personal" (personal armored), a MUST see blog, where master Axil, in a very witty, pleasant and funny, will give you some classes about recreation armors and clothing.
He has no actual templates, he's got links, but he explains very well, step by step, the proyects he makes. (Only in spanish)
First is "el blindado personal" (personal armored), a MUST see blog, where master Axil, in a very witty, pleasant and funny, will give you some classes about recreation armors and clothing.
He has no actual templates, he's got links, but he explains very well, step by step, the proyects he makes. (Only in spanish)
La segunda es por así decir, mi página preferida para buscar plantillas, es gratuita, y tiene más o menos todo lo necesario. "Armour templates" se llama, está en ingles y aunque está pensada para trabajar metal, se puede usar sin ningún problema para el cuero.
The secod is, my favorite page for getting templates, it's free, and it has more o less everything you need. "Armour templates" it's call, and it's in english, it's for metal works, but you can still use those templates for leather work.
The secod is, my favorite page for getting templates, it's free, and it has more o less everything you need. "Armour templates" it's call, and it's in english, it's for metal works, but you can still use those templates for leather work.
La tercera y última es "almogávares de europa", un foro con gente bastante maja, del que destacamos esté "post", donde encontrarás un montón de plantillas interesantes, echar un ojo a la mochila.
La putada es que aunque aseguran que las imágenes se pueden imprimir directamente, tengo que decir que un ".gif", no es el mejor formato para decir que es preciso.
Third and last, is "almogávares from europe", a forum with nice people, from which we'd like to point this "post", where you'll find a lot of interesting templates, take a look to the backpack.
The shitty thing, is that although they asure you that the images are printable directily, I have to say that a ".gif" is not the best format for precision.
Third and last, is "almogávares from europe", a forum with nice people, from which we'd like to point this "post", where you'll find a lot of interesting templates, take a look to the backpack.
The shitty thing, is that although they asure you that the images are printable directily, I have to say that a ".gif" is not the best format for precision.
Juntando las 3, me he diseñado mis propias plantillas, tirando un poco también de fotos de internet, gracias google!.
Joining the 3, I designed my own template, of course using a bit of google images, thanks google!.
Joining the 3, I designed my own template, of course using a bit of google images, thanks google!.
Armour templates |
Como hacer una buena plantilla?/How to make a good template
Pues obviamente recomiendo usar cartulina. Fácil de cortar, barato, y lo vas a encontrar en cualquier parte.
Well obviusly I recomend to use cardboard. Easy to cut, cheap, and you can find it anywhere.
Well obviusly I recomend to use cardboard. Easy to cut, cheap, and you can find it anywhere.
El cartón nos va a permitir diseñar a nuestro gusto la pieza que queremos.
Yo os voy a dejar mi plantilla personalizada. Como os podéis imaginar, está hecha a mi medida, pero os puede servir para modificarla y darla la dimensión que queráis.
The cardboard is going to let us desing the armor part the way we want.
I'm going to let my personal template for you. As you can imagine, is made for my size, but It can be used to modify it and with it the dimension you want.
The cardboard is going to let us desing the armor part the way we want.
I'm going to let my personal template for you. As you can imagine, is made for my size, but It can be used to modify it and with it the dimension you want.
Es un archivo RAR, con 4 PDFs, 1 por si queréis imprimir en un A3, y 3 A4 para los que no tengan impresora tocha.
Is a RAR file, with 4 PDFs, 1 for print it on a A3, and 3 A4s for the ones who don't have a big printer.
Is a RAR file, with 4 PDFs, 1 for print it on a A3, and 3 A4s for the ones who don't have a big printer.
Esta parte, puede parecer una tontería, pero es la parte más importante, diseña una plantilla, pruébala, aunque sea con celo, camina con ella, revisa que te gusta, y por supuesto que sea de tu tamaño.
This part can look silly, but is the most important part, desing a template, try it, even with tape, walk with it, check if you like it, and of course be sure it's your size.
Aquí hice una simetría cutre con la plantilla anterior, y ya estoy usando cartulina.
Tras unos cuantos retoques más decidí hacer un par de pruebas.
A made a dirty look symmetry with the previus template, and I'm already using cardboard.
After some finishing touchs I decided to make some testing.
A made a dirty look symmetry with the previus template, and I'm already using cardboard.
After some finishing touchs I decided to make some testing.
Me hubiera gustado, este diseño, pero al final ha sido descartado. Quería una pieza adicional para las rodillas, pero de momento el intento se ha quedado en saco roto, al no tener suficiente material.
I would have liked this model, but it ended rejected. I wanted an aditional piece for the knees, but after measuring the leather I got, there is not enough for doing this.
Enlace a plantilla.
Link to template.
I would have liked this model, but it ended rejected. I wanted an aditional piece for the knees, but after measuring the leather I got, there is not enough for doing this.
Enlace a plantilla.
Link to template.
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