miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Battlefleet Gothic: chaos is comming!

Algunos amigos me han estado presionando para ponerme a trabajar un poco, y al final lo han conseguido, tengo el placer de informar que la flota del Caos para BFG, está terminada y en breve la subiré al blog.

De momento y para abrir boca algunas fotos del laaaaaargo proceso creativo.
Os aseguro que la espera habrá merecido la pena.

Some friends had been pressing me for working a bit, finnally they managed it, I have the pleasure to inform that the Chaos Fleet for BFG, is finished and I'll upload it on the blog shortly.

For now and for keep you waiting, son photos of the looooooong creative process.
I asure you that the wait will had been worth it.

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